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Toddler 18mts.-2.5 year.webp

19 months -2.5 year-old

Secure a spot for your child now!


Embarking on the search for the ideal daycare for your toddlers, aged 19 months to 2.5 years, is a significant decision for parents seeking a nurturing and enriching environment. Welcome to World Of Wonder, where we understand the importance of providing a secure and engaging space for these budding adventurers.


World Of Wonder goes beyond being a mere facility; it is an integral part of the community, committed to fostering your toddler's growth and development during these formative years. Like you, we are not just caregivers; we are parents who share your commitment to excellence. Witness the transformation as your toddlers blossom into active, social little explorers who love to learn under our guidance. Step into the World Of Wonder, where every day is an opportunity for curiosity and joy. Explore more about our approach, and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. Join us in creating a foundation for a lifetime of love for learning!


Schedule a Virtual Tour and meet our Directors online!


  • Establish Start Date

  • Placement Enrollment

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